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Beyond TikTok, Teens and Trends: The Power of Short-Form Video for B2B Marketing

Written by Russ Powell | Apr 29, 2024 11:47:23 AM

In the uber-competitive and ever more saturated world of B2B marketing - where every post, presentation and pixel seems to be fighting for people’s eyeballs like contestants on a reality TV show - how do you grab attention, cut through, and get your share of the spotlight?

The answer right now (from a tactical perspective) is short-form video.

Before you dismiss these bite-sized movies as only for Barbie filters, dance challenges, and “influencers” you’ve never heard of, but your children/younger relatives won’t stop banging on about, you need to consider one unavoidable fact...

They work.

Done right they capture imagination, drive engagement and cause people to take action. Which is what we all want from our marketing activity, right?

So just how does short form video slice through the noise jungle like a well-sharpened machete? And what can we, as B2B marketers, learn and apply to our own activity (from both a strategic and tactical viewpoint)?

Let’s explore it together...

Drowning in a sea of content: The New Decision Makers

Now, we don’t subscribe to lumping massive groups of people into homogenous categories, e.g. Millennials and Gen Z. Just because someone was born in a certain window of time doesn’t mean they all think, feel and act the same. Far from it.

But what is undeniable is that the individuals who are now making their way into decision-making roles in business GENERALLY approach things in a very different way to those that went before them - especially when it comes to consuming and engaging with digital content.

Terms like “digital native” get thrown around as a handy broadbrush moniker for those who can’t conceive of or remember a time B.I. (Before Internet), but it has clear application here.

With smartphones permanently welded to their palms, screens always on the go, and a seeming inability to disconnect, this new wave of decision makers is – whether they know, like or realise it - all about the digital life.

Which is something we as marketers need to be highly aware of.

Because if you're trying to catch their attention, you'll need more than an email blast and a gated whitepaper. When channels were limited, notifications were minimal, and decision fatigue was far less of an issue, longer form content had a better chance of working because people had the time and brain power to consume it.

But that’s not the case anymore.

People – and especially these decision makers - are generally overwhelmed, overstimulated and time-poor. They’re drowning in a sea of content. So they’ll only engage with or react to what really and truly stands out to them. Not through any fault of their own, but purely because that’s all their addled and befuddled brains will allow them to do.

And just so you know, we also don’t subscribe to this notion of attention spans being reduced. Comparisons to goldfish and the like do a disservice to these newer generation’s (or any generation’s) mental capacity.

That’s because these comparisons don’t actually reflect the nature of attention. People will binge watch entire series of shows on Netflix in one go. People will listen to three-hour long episodes of a podcast. People will read blogs, forums, and online fanfiction for hours on end.

People will pay attention to things that effectively grab it.

And what works well for grabbing attention – and has been proven to do so - is short-form video.

It should be noted, however, that short-form video in and of itself won’t deliver the goods. It’s just a tactic at the end of the day. Just whacking out a quick video of yourself staring blankly at your camera won’t do the trick.

Video content (short-form or otherwise) needs to be about something relevant, useful, entertaining, educational, or meaningfully different to your target audience.

But just why is short-form video the content format that’s doing so well right now? And how can you harness it for your own B2B marketing?

Why Short-form Videos Work

Two reasons: snackability and psychology.

The short-form medium aligns perfectly with our now fast-paced lives. Bite-sized videos are not just engaging and easy to digest; they're tailor-made for on-the-go viewing, catching us on our smartphones whilst scrolling during commutes and coffee breaks.

In the race for our split-second attention, short-form videos are the marketing world's espresso shots: tiny but mighty. They quickly and easily build salience and brand recall with people. They’re shareable. They capture interest rapidly and draw people in. They are the enticing, revolving door of your marketing.

Combined with paid social/media techniques they can also be precisely targeted to specific audiences ensuring that the core messages that resonate with an audience can be reinforced, cutting through the digital noise.

The versatility of video as a medium also allows for seamless integration across multiple platforms, enhancing reach and engagement of activity from social media to emails and websites.

Yes, the newest generations of digitally native decision makers might be driving this trend, but let’s face it, we’re all visual creatures. The human brain is wired to process visual information much faster than text, making videos an incredibly effective medium for communicating complex messages quickly and memorably.

With visuals being processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text, it's no wonder that video content has risen to prominence.

So how can put short-form video to use for your brand. We’ve got six ways you can get started today.

 Six Ways to Use Short Form Video…

This is by no means an exhaustive list. Video can be used in as many ways as your imagination can take you. Just consider the following as a quick run-down of how your B2B brand can quickly and easily get started with short-form video:

  1. How-To Videos: These are fantastic for engaging customers by showing the practical application of your product, solution or service. Pick a known challenge for your audience and explain how you help. Troubleshoot a common issue. Pass on a hint, tip or trick. Whatever your “how-to”, make sure it’s aimed at quickly enhancing user experience and product understanding.
  1. Product Demos: These videos are your chance to shine a spotlight on your product's capabilities. Pick a single function or feature and showcase how your product operates in real-world scenarios and how it can solve industry-specific problems.
  1. Tutorials: Short, focused tutorials can help users accomplish specific tasks, providing a quick and easy learning curve. They're great for building a knowledge base that empowers users to get the most out of your product.
  1. Event Coverage Snippets: Capturing the essence of live events, these snippets can offer a glimpse into industry happenings, exclusive interviews, or essential insights, connecting your audience with the broader community.
  1. Behind-the-Scenes Content: This type of content humanises your brand. Share your company culture, the making of a product, or day-to-day operations. It's a way to build trust and create a personal connection with your audience. 
  1. 30-Second Explainer Videos: These are the elevator pitches of the digital world. They should be concise yet comprehensive, explaining new features or complex concepts in a nutshell, perfect for viewers on the go or for use on social media platforms. 

… and a Couple of Ways Not To

While videos can be a dynamic way to grab attention, they're not always the right tool for the job.

For instance, in a formal business setting where details and figures reign supreme, an in-depth report might go down better than a glitzy video. And if your audience prefers detailed documentation for reference, then a video just won’t cut it.

Remember, it's all about reading the room, to assess the context, audience, and purpose, before hitting 'record'—because sometimes, the best stories are told in pie charts, pivot tables and hefty reports.

Mixing it up is the secret to effective communication - a little bit of this, a dash of that, tailored to everyone's taste. However, when the situation is right, a well-crafted short-form video can indeed be the cherry on top, adding that extra zing to your message and ensuring it's not just heard, but remembered.

But just saying “go do some short-form video” will only get you so far. And we don’t want to leave you blowing in the wind.

So here are our tried and tested top tips for getting the most out of your video content (be it short-form or otherwise).

Veni Vidi Video

So, if you’re looking to conquer all things video here’s some pointers for getting it right:

  • Storyboarding and scriptwriting. May sound a bit over the top for a 10-15 second video but if you fail to plan, plan to fail. It’s crucial to visualise your video project ahead of time and know what you’re aiming for. Whether you're using sophisticated software or sticking to good ol’ pen and paper, this step helps you organise your narrative flow and visual elements before production begins.
  • Investing in quality lighting and audio gear can significantly enhance the production value of live-action videos. But it’s not a deal breaker. Just using an environment where you have control over the light and sound will be enough to ensure consistency of content. And it’s actually been proven that more “organic” and less polished looking video performs better on social channels. So you don’t need to go all out and invest in gear. Just make sure you can be seen and heard.
  • For video editing and motion graphics, Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects set the industry standard, but there are numerous free or integrated tools available for those starting out or on a budget. A lot of the built-in video editing tools on your phone – like Clips on an iPhone - will do a really good job in the right hands.
  • Subtitles and captions are not just a legal requirement in many cases, they also make your content accessible to a wider audience, including those with hearing impairments or non-native speakers. Tools like Rev and Kapwing can help you add these important elements to your videos.
  • Analytics are key to understanding your audience and measuring the success of your content. Platforms like Google Analytics or native social media analytics tools provide insights into viewer behaviour and engagement.
  • Choosing the right platform for your video content is essential. LinkedIn, Instagram Reels, Snapchat, and TikTok each have unique audiences and features that can help your content reach its intended demographic. Consider the nature of your content and where your audience is most active when selecting platforms.


In conclusion, short-form videos are not just a passing trend but a strategic tool that can revolutionise B2B marketing.

They're not just for laughs and lip-syncs; they're powerful engagement tools that can cut through the digital clutter with the precision of a laser beam.

So, if you want your brand to be the star of the B2B marketing show, don't be camera shy.

Embrace the short, sweet, and shareable power of short-form video, and watch your audience—and your brand engagement—soar. Remember, in the world of B2B, a little video can go a long way, especially when every second counts!