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Turning TikTok Trends into B2B Success

Services: Wonderfully Creative Campaigns


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How could Trick Shots find their way into a B2B marketing campaign, you ask? With a certain level of creative juice and a client willing to try something a bit different... and reap the rewards!




Conversion Rate


Engagement rate increase

The Challenge

TeT had successfully secured MDF funding from NetApp and were looking to deliver a wonderfully creative brand awareness and demand generation campaign to promote their data fabric solutions.

TeT wanted to stand out from the crowd and reach the SMB/Mid-Market space with a campaign that captured interest and generated awareness of their solutions in a new, different way.

Which was where Sharper B2B came in.


TeT teaser social post

The Solution

The objectives of this campaign were to:

  • Increase awareness of TeT and their data fabric solutions
  • Drive higher engagement with their social media channels
  • Generate leads/pipeline for their sales team to nurture

Data fabric solutions solve a difficult task. They stitch together data, systems and processes with zero gaps.

It’s about making the seemingly impossible, impossibly seamless.

Inspired by popular TikTok and Instagram videos, Sharper B2B posed the concept of creating multiple “Trick shot” videos, each centred around the theme of seamlessness.

The social-first videos depicted members of the TeT team doing seemingly impossible trick shots – think bouncing a ball off a TV screen into a cup - highlighting how TeT and NetApp’s data fabric solutions can reduce complexity and make sure things run smoothly.

Utilising social media and email channels, the videos engaged the target audience in a fun, different, but relevant way that drove them to a microsite on which they could play an interactive (highly-addictive) online game. Successfully immersing them in the benefits of a TeT fabric solution, whilst engaging their inner gamer.


The Results

As awareness campaigns go, this certainly hit the mark.

With over 89,000 impressions and more than 700 visitors to the microsite, the campaign garnered a very positive response. Plus, TeT’s LinkedIn followers grew by 11.8% highlighting the impact it had on people’s awareness and that the campaign elicited a favourable public reception for TeT.

The game element also proved popular with 15% of microsite visitors opting to play the game and 5.7% converting to leads.

Whilst the aim of the campaign wasn’t to generate leads, this shows the opportunity posed by the gamification to offer a prize – like a free trial - that would encourage greater volumes of leads.

All in all, the campaign delivered on its objectives in a fun and creative way that TeT can continue to recycle into future promotions.

Screens shots
Here's what Matt Eggleton, Vendor Alliance Manager, TeT had to say...

“A campaign that was a lot of fun to create and that also delivered the goods, all thanks to Sharper. The concept of seamlessness was a great one that was brought to life perfectly with the campaign videos. A great idea brilliantly executed.”

So, fancy making your B2B marketing Sharper? We’re ready when you are.

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