Deeper Intel & Insights
For when you need to know (not just think) where to focus your marketing.
Working with Sharper you get:
- Under the skin and inside the heads of your target audience(s)
- A crisp, uncluttered, and valuable view of your target market(s)
- An unfair, first-mover's advantage over your competition
What's the challenge?
A lot of B2B Marketers get far too focused on the “doing” of marketing.
They obsess over just getting stuff done (and quickly!) to such an extent that they don’t ever stop to think about whether the doing they are doing is doing anything worthwhile.
The tactical cart very much gets put before the strategic horse with everything quickly heading down a slippery slope of short-termism to cause an inevitably messy pile up at the end.
But before you saddle up your strategic steed (in any sort of horse/cart configuration) you need to ensure its properly fed with (to torture this metaphor to its fullest extent) the finest ‘research-based hay’ that exists.
See, any marketing activity is only as good as the strategy that underpins it. And any strategy is only as good as the research, intelligence, and insights its based on.
If poor, unsuitable, and/or out of date intel & insights are used as the foundation of your marketing then best of luck.
You might possibly get lucky and have things work. Maybe.
Even worse if you’ve got ZERO actual research other than personal opinion - with all its biases and misunderstandings - in the mix then you’re basically operating blindfolded.
In the dark.
In a room full of primed bear traps.
Instead, ensure you’re doing things with a full and complete understanding of your audiences, markets, and opportunities for growth.
Remove the blindfold with the Deeper Intel & Insights Sharper provide.
Audience Analysis
“For when you need to get under the skin and inside the heads of your target audience”What does that look/feel like?
- You get a deep and detailed picture of how your buyers think, feel, and act that goes well beyond 'paint-by-numbers' personas.
- You get guidance on how to directly, emotionally, and impactfully engage and influence your buying audiences.
- You get all the behavioural science insights you need to understand what makes your audience tick.
Market Topography
“For when you need a clear, uncluttered, and more valuable view of your world”What does that look/feel like?
- You get to see the lay of the land – be that industry, market, or geography - and understand what you need to do to successfully navigate through it.
- You get a deeper understanding of who’s doing what, when, where, and how so you can react accordingly.
- You get clear sight of what’s on the horizon and what will shortly be coming over it so you can plan ahead.
Opportunity Spotting & Trend Tracking
“For when you need to gain an unfair advantage over your competition”
What does that look/feel like?- You get the inside scoop on trends to exploit, changes to roll with and what’s going to be hot next – before anyone else.
- You get expertly distilled data, reports, and recommendations that cut through the fluff and waffle.
- You get to move first and move fast to outpace and outsmart your competition.
MarTech Health Check
"For when you need to get your house (that's your data, platforms, tools, and MarTech) in order"
What does that look/feel like?
- You get an objective, unobstructed view on what's working and what isn't (across all the tools, tech, and data you have).
- You get to fix what's broken, strip out what's not working, and have the tech stack that will work for you.
- You get to sit back and relax knowing you've got everything in place and working as it should be.
So, fancy making your B2B marketing Sharper? We’re ready when you are.
I'm ready right nowA practical guide to conquering apathy, delivering ROI, and driving MarTech adoption success, written by our very own Founder/MD, Russ Powell.
In this delightful 'quick read' (It's only 30 odd pages. You'll get through it in one sitting. Guaranteed.) Russ explores the open secret about MarTech implementation and adoption projects: That most of them fail spectacularly.
Using both his experience running (and being on the receiving end of) MarTech roll outs as well as leaning on the fundamentals of behavioural science and psychology Russ breaks down:
- Why MarTech roll outs fail
- How you can avoid the same fate
- How to make your MarTech investments positive ones
You'll then find practical guidance and advice on what you need to do to overcome the many hurdles that change projects (like MarTech roll outs) present, get your people engaged, and ensure success.